終於看完了咧.....中間真的被虐死了/_\ 不過好喜歡這文啊,三篇都超愛的
諾兒跨時空成了天恩的小孩了0.0?斯諾?斯樂? 還好是happy end, 中間被虐的快死了,我只想說~~把我的淚水還我~~~~~~呵呵
wakaka.....happy ending. hope their 3rd generation will sweet and smooth always not like their parent and grandparent. Even in fact we cannot live like the story but we can share our concern and try our best to give a better live to someone we love, not only our lover but also our family. life is a story we are the creator and writter, don't give up and don't afraid just go ahead to chase our true love.
噢 是悲劇 真難過。。。。 愛讓人盲目是這樣的驗證嗎?
Why not happy ending??? Very very sad story. I know if u really love someone u will dare to do everythings to protect her even die, but why no happy ending? They haven really start. I can understand the feeling of Xuan when u really love her u will protect her, u will always think about her and wish her can always happy and healthy. I understood because i'm a bit similiar with Xuan. I scold my love, ignore her when her cry, but lastly i lose and comfort her again. Dada u really don't want change the ending a? Please......don't write sad story again it's really hurt really make me cry......=.=
蠻好看的 雖然小結局都是有人死, 真是..., 不過最後還是完美結局 全部看完要花上整整一天呢, 大通宵,
谢谢大人那么久以来辛苦了 我很喜欢你的文文
好文 最近就迷古代文 汗